25 septembre 2009

Poverty-stricken people

Unpredictable future for this fisherman and his "chabola" or hut in the south of the Gran Canaria Island. Will it be a fishery to feed himself and earn for a living? Will the big hotel chains obtain the permit to built a new resort and displace this national fisherman from his place? Will governments protect his home (the hut) and our HOME (the Earth)? Unfortunately poor people has not the same rights as the rich ones and nowadays the richest are the owners of the world. It is the never ending story of the indigenous and the settler with power.

Click on the picture!!!

Global warming

This are just two of a plethora of animals that will suffer firstly from the big impact of our worst weapon of mass destruction called global warming.
Each time I think about the things our children won't be able to enjoy in a near future -such as glaciars, landscapes, rain forests, coral reefs, fauna and flora- just because of our stupid way of life, I feel rage against the society of consumption in which we are immerse.


Societies change, minds change, peoples change, places change, currents change, trends change, policies change, CLIMATE CHANGES.

I hope that it is not too late to do something against the drought and other direct consequences of the climate change in order to heal the wounds of our mother Earth.

Don't contaminate, recycle

This tin can was found for me and two friends of mine in a natural "reserve" in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). It has been there for several years I think, and now it is part of this nature landscape. We don't know which impact it has exerted over the soil, but maybe this was the trigger of a fire that may has destroy this preserved flora, like it use to happend almost every year in this archipelago.


This worm-eaten plant could be a unique specie of coastal plant from the Canary Islands archipelago and maybe the worm also. My friend Tony Bonny took this picture in Fuerteventura not just for their beautifulness but also because this species could be disapeared in a near future because of the human impact in this area of the the Canary Islands (Archipielago Chinijo), above all due to the massive construction of illegals resorts right in the sandy shore of the beach.

19 septembre 2009


28º al norte del Ecuador, cerca de la costa africana de Marruecos, en la llamada región Macaronesica; hemos pasado nuestras preciadas vacaciones, exactamente en la isla de Gran Canaria. Con una temperatura que oscila entre los 22 y los 27 grados, o más, y una humedad del 60% la playa se convierte en una necesidad fundamental al igual que las "tapas" y la cerveza del "bareto" mas cercano. Unos cuantos días de lluvia no han traído el fresco consigo, pero si una esperanza a los seres y plantas que pueblan estas islas que han sido azotadas por el fuego de intensos incendios veraniegos. Hemos atravesado la isla de norte a sur y visitado a la familia en tiempo "record". Lástima que con Naïma no podamos quedarnos mas que unas horas al día en la playa, entre su miedo a las olas -igual que su mamá- y el calor la pobre Naïma solo dura lo que tarda en llenarse de arena (encroquetarse) y el consiguiente lavado en las OLAS. La antipoda de Canarias nos muestra su lado mas bonito y esperamos que nos siga agazajando con unos cuantos días de playa mas y frutos del océano Atlántico.